Friday, March 28, 2008

Diplomats Told to Take Cover in Baghdad;_ylt=AqD9N14vkj4ncVXz8DGYImys0NUE

I'm pretty certain that I'll have to edit out the link above if it wrecks the rest of this post's settings. In the event I do, here's the link to Tengrain's take on it. It's where I picked it up: Mock, Paper, Scissors

But, that being said, what I'm trying to get out is that this is way worse than the above article leads the reader to believe. (It's not Iran. I'm damned sure the Iranians aren't self destructive enough to give the current administration anything to blame them for. These rockets probably came from a 106-mm Recoilless rifle, not a 107-mikemike Chi-Com. A piece of Korean War Era weaponry.) It seems the Green Zone, that S/W Asian version of Mexico City's Zona Rosa... Wait, what!?!?! It's NOT?!?!?! Oh! Pardon my mistake. Anyway, the Green Zone is surrounded and rounds are falling inside the wire, and have been since Easter Sunday. (however, the Mission waits until Thursday to release an advisory to all personnel about it). Sunday Bloody Sunday. It's comforting to know the insurgents have a sense of humor almost as good as the VC did. Yet one more comparison this horrible waste of everything has in common with America's Trojan War.

Oh, now I remember what it was that 's the comparative to the Green Zone, it's not Zona Rosa. Silly me. No. It's... Khe Sahn.


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Monday, March 24, 2008

Blog Against Theocracy-2008

Ostara, 2008-CE:

We come around again, to that time of year, where we must remind ourselves that unless we're strong on the defensive and fleet of foot to stamp out spot-fires as they erupt, the, "Villagers with the torches", will not only come for us, (those NOT of the Body), but they'll have John Law, wearing his Sunday Best, in the passenger seat of the Model A, a picnic basket in his lap for after the festivities, too. If I live to be 400 I hope I never see someone afraid that,'They', (the people who thought Easy Rider had a happy ending), will come for someone on account of religious grounds, without hoping I'd be strong enough to stand at their side when the door crashes in and give one last swing of my pick-head ax. Wasn't, "Freedom from Fear", one of those 'Four Freedoms', World War Two, America as a nation and americanism as a philosophy was supposedly about? What ever happened to that?

I'm a Pagan and am de facto on the Monotheistic enemies-list because of it. No, "People of the Book"- Dhimmitude for me and mine. None of that, "Judeo-Christian Tradition", crap thrown around as when the X-ians want something from Jews, or Jews want something from X-ians, (think Dennis Prager). Nope. None of that stuff for we Pagans. So you could say that equal protection under the law, (especially when you're unimaginably outnumbered, worse than Custer and Henry V combined), is a good thing. Something worth protecting. Something worth hanging on to.

There are oh-so-many scary, crazy, phony religious-types on this planet, (and their multitude of 'true believers', right behind them), out to steer you wrong and make you live your life their way, that it's important to have a place where those nuts can't do it to anyone. Not only prohibited by law but proscribed by custom as well. Like child labor and child sacrifice before it, socio-political repression as it's manifesting currently in America with these, 'Jesus Freaks', subverting the liberal and accepting tenor of this country and her constitution, has to be stopped. They, these religious extremists, are an Avant-Garde, the shock-troops, for people who wish to turn back the calendar almost 1,500 years. Remember they didn't get called, "The Dark Ages", because there was something wrong with the Sun.


Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Boy In The Bubble

(words by Paul Simon; music by Paul Simon and Forere Motlobeloa)

It was a slow day
And the sun was beating
On the soldiers by the side of the road
There was a bright light
A shattering of shop windows
The bomb in the baby carriage
Was wired to the radio

These are the days of miracle and wonder
This is the long distance call
The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
The way we look to us all
The way we look to a distant constellation
That's dying in a corner of the sky
These are the days of miracle and wonder
And don't cry baby, don't cry
Don't cry

It was a dry wind
And it swept across the desert
And it curled into the circle of birth
And the dead sand
Falling on the children
The mothers and the fathers
And the automatic earth
These are the days of miracle and wonder
This is the long distance call
The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
The way we look to us all
The way we look to a distant constellation
That's dying in a corner of the sky
These are the days of miracle and wonder
And don't cry baby, don't cry
Don't cry

It's a turn-around jump shot
It's everybody jump start
It's every generation throws a hero up the pop charts
Medicine is magical and magical is art
The Boy in the Bubble
And the baby with the baboon heart

And I believe
These are the days of lasers in the jungle
Lasers in the jungle somewhere
Staccato signals of constant information
A loose affiliation of millionaires
And billionaires and baby
These are the days of miracle and wonder
This is the long distance call
The way the camera follows us in slo-mo
The way we look to us all
The way we look to a distant constellation
That's dying in a corner of the sky
These are the days of miracle and wonder
And don't cry baby, don't cry
Don't cry.


Long Distance Call is right, reverse the charges, "Get me, Susie and our cats off this stinkin' rock before the Pig People complete their mission of sending everything to Hell in a hand-basket."

Signed, 'Me'.


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Friday, February 1, 2008

I See It's Been A While

Since last I posted anything here. Depression sucks. I did run across this at 'Mock,Paper,Scissors' tonight and thought it was worth knocking the cobwebs off'n this blog to put up the results.

BTW... It was totally wrong the first go around. Said my personality was keyed into, (Get this!) The Mists of Avalon by Marion Zimmer Bradley, (Wrong bunch of Pagans LOL ) and tried to find a feedback form but took the quiz over again instead and thought about the answers a bit longer. The thumbnail sketch was much closer to reality the second time around. The quiz told me that I was keyed into...

You're Loosely Based!

by Storey Clayton

While most people haven't heard of you, you're a really good and
interesting person. Rather clever and witty, you crack a lot of jokes about the world
around you. You do have a serious side, however, where your interest covers the homeless
and the inequalities of society. You're good at bringing people together, but they keep
asking you what your name means.

Take the Book Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid.