Saturday, April 21, 2007

R's No Longer, 'The Daddy Party'

I went off on a tangent while replying to a post at the Carpetbagger Report, IRT how life imitates art with the R's bitching how the Dem's are trying to fill a seat in the House left empty by the death of a Georgia Congresscritter. By... Are you ready for this? By stealing it! By running a candidate for it! Dem Bastids!!1!

(Here's my reply) :

It’s tragic what has happened to the “daddy party…”

Comment @5 by beep52 — 4/21/2007 @ 11:17 am

I don't think of them as the,'Daddy Party', any more. These days they come off as resembling the, Deus Ex Machina Party or even the Jesus Ex Machina Party.instead. They, the Yuppie/Boomer generation members at the top of the pyramid, continually repudiate their Daddys and have spent their whole lives trying to get out from under the shadow of their parents almost larger than life visage while getting their noses rubbed in shit by their parents these last 40 years with, "We won OUR war. A real war, WW2. What's your generation done, Junior? Got screwed up on the dope, lost Viet Nam and now you're up Iraq without a paddle and sending her to the poor house. You're nothing compared to us... We... The Greatest Generation." {Insert here the admonishment to,'Quake with fear you tiny ants'.}

A good example is how quickly the White House turned-down any of the suggestions from the (headed by WW2-gen Unka Jimmy3) Iraq Study Group. What Unka Jimmy should have done was hand-off the report to Meg Wurmser or Kagan to present to the Fool on the Hill and let Dumbya think (??? I know, wha ???) ... think it came from AEI or the Hudson Institute. It might have been implemented if they had. But I digress.

Suffice to say that the people in DC, currently running things and staffing the WH, are those few who couldn't get laid in college back in the 60's and didn't fight in Nam, didn't go to Woodstock but instead occupied their youth being, "Serious" and playing, "Let's Pretend"-Politics, with the Young Repiglicans. Now they tried to make their mark on the world through conquest and failed. Again. So, they've decided to make their marks with infamy instead. And they hope the fundies are right and Gawd will come and save them all because these people can't save themselves. I'm surprised none of them drowned in a rainstorm. Standing there. Looking up, incredulously. Their mouth wide open. Wondering what all the wet was.


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